David Ng

PhD (Candidate)  University of British Columbia , The Social Justice Institute; Critical Creative Research Network
MSocSc University of Cape Town, African Gender Institute; specializing in gender and sexuality
BSocSc (hons) University of Cape Town, African Gender Institute; Major in Gender and Transformation
BSocSc Simon Fraser University, Major in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies


“Have you Eaten Today” in Queering Nutrition and Dietetics: LGBTQ+ Reflections on Food  Through Art. Edited by: Joy, Phillip & Aston, Megan (Dalhousie, 2022)
“Love Intersections: Queer Sensibilities and Relationality in Art and Cultural Production” in Asian Canada is Burning: theories, methods, pedagogies, and praxes edited by Torres, Rose; Tian, Ian Liujia & Chau Coly (Brill, 2024)
“What is an artist's responsibility to care? Thinking through entangled relations, temporalities and collaborative storytelling” in Autobiography, Ethics, and Relations. edited by Orly Nael Letzer (Routledge, 2024) - forthcoming

Conference presentations:
*Ng, David “Bitter Orientals: Yellow Peril Unmasked” Asian American Association Studies Conference, April 6, 2023. Long Beach, USA.
*Ng, David. “Love Intersections: Queer Sensibilities and Relationality in Art and Cultural Production” Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, June 2019. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
*Ng, David. “Yellow Peril: Queer Destiny - Explorations of Queer, Asian Cultural Identity Through the Five Elements”. Carleton University Graduate Student’s Association Conference. May 2019, Carleton University. Conference Presentation
*Ng, David. “Yellow Peril: Queer Destiny - Explorations of Queer, Asian Cultural Identity Through the Five Elements”.  International Autobiography Association Conference. June 2019, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica.

MITACs Award (2024)
MITACs Award (2020 - 2023).
SSHRC Joseph Bombardier (2020 - 2023)
Special UBC Graduate Scholarship Award (2018)
UBC Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (2018 - 2019)

President’s Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award (2021, 2022)
UBC Public Engagement Award (2022)

Panels, Conferences, Symposium organizing:

Struggles in place(s): Contagious traditions of resistance and solidarity (2020): a four part panel series that I co-organized (with Maj Jensen, Alejandra Gavarina, and Fabi Bazo) in response to the onset of the pandemic, that invited scholars, artists and activists to share visions of futures at the end of the world. The series included: "Gestures in Worldmaking: Reinterpreting Catastrophe, Reimagining Futurities", "Ch’ixi Punks and the Dystopian Américas", and "Living as a political act", and "We exist because we struggle, we struggle because we exist"

Resilient Cartographies (2021): an online symposium that invited guests from Columbia, Palestine, Turkey, USA, Canada, South Africa, to share art works, grassroots initiatives and other gestures, on themes that explored resilient gestures of care that have emerged during global pandemic times, and illuminates their entanglements with memory and art practices. This symposium invited guests to contend with the everyday collective strategies of care as hybrid and interrelational spaces where experiential and transgenerational knowledge condense with the urgency and the creativity to imagine and generate diverse formats to cope, confront, or transform the ongoing precarization of life as well as rethink and shape possible futures.

Just Futures (2021): I co-organized a three part panel series on Abolition of police and prisons that included speakers such as: Dr. Dylan Rodriguez, Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha, Kai Cheng Thom, Dr. Elle Jones, Dr. Vicki Chartrand and Michaela Micguire

Spectrums: Borders and Belonging (2023): a virtual panel features artists, activists and academics engaging with work on queerness, to ask: how does taking on a global south queer lens disrupt and help us rethink the various geopolitical formulations of borders and belonging?

©David NgArtistJanuary 2024